Amazon Go and the Future of Technology
‘Amazon Go’ Is it a good thing?
Amazon Go has opened a Cashier free store in New York, it cleverly accepts cash after all previous stores in the chain fell under scrutiny for discriminating against those without a bank account by only accepting cards. In the United States, there is no law against only accepting card payments. Likewise, the UKCourt cases ruled in support of allowing cash to be used, a nice acknowledgement that people are still enjoying the freedom of choice between automation and manual systems in society.
Are machines replacing customer service personnel?
With self-service already well in use across the UK in our banks, libraries and supermarkets, is the un-cashiered shop the next logical step? Kurt Vonnegut predicted the demise of humans and the takeover of machines in the workplace in his book ‘Player Piano’. As his prediction materializes (or virtually appears), what is going to happen to us? Will there be a need for jobs in the future? Certainly, in the furniture industry, people will likely be needed, but technology makes things easier, especially with the use of drop shipping and on-demand, which means less stock needs to be held physically in a warehouse. A boon as furniture can be bulky and take up space.
Many jobs still need people to carry out the labour.
Roads would soon deteriorate, parcels would not be delivered and many things would not be made. Even in cases where machines might be able to do the work, as in the Zac Posen dresses at the New York MET Gala, which employed 3-D printing technology, but took thousands of hours to create - and even then the product had some issues. Machines still need people to oversee and check for errors. Like fashion, the furniture industry is ever coming up with new designs and needs people with ideas and hands-on experience to carry out the work.
If we take people out of the equation, will we even want to go to a shop?
So much is going online, the effects of this are clearly visible on the high street, with Debenhams the latest to take the hit. For some things online is so much simpler, especially when you know what you want, one click and it is ordered. The personal touch is invaluable, a phone call to a real person for advice, a smiling face when you by your coffee, a second opinion on an outfit. Hopefully, the future will be a balance where machines will free us up from the boring stuff and enable us to focus on a better quality of life.
Machines and people work closely together in the furniture industry
Innovation is a collaboration between people and machines, technology can save time and carry out work which might otherwise take countless hours.
Furniture manufacturing involves machines and skilled workers
The furniture manufacturing sector in the UK employs over 89,000 people and represents nearly 3.5 % of the entire workforce. From specialists to unskilled manual labourers, the industry has a place for workers at every level. There are so many jobs within the industry, factory work, cabinet makers, upholsters and bench carpenters to name a few. In the United States furniture manufacturing is also big business. They have nearly 94,000 cabinetmakers and bench carpenters, just over 30,000 upholsters and nearly 17,000 furniture finishers employed.
Factories and bespoke furnishings all co-share the workload with people and machines. Many workers handle, maintain or oversee machines. Even the nuts and bolts are a collaboration between man and machine.
Each office space needs furnishings to match
Whether the room is an awkward shape or the business is different from your neighbour’s every office needs furnishings to match. You can get a computer program to design an office space and the furnishings to go in it, but the truth is in the fitting. How comfortable an office chair is or wide a desk, what colours look good and make you feel happy, fabrics that soften or sharpen your furnishings. These are all touches that a real person will notice when an office is fitted out. A computer program or factory machine is ultimately a tool we work with. Someone put the ideas into the computer in some form, even if it calculates many options from that small amount of data, it is still a collaborative work between people and machines.
Amazon ‘Go’ may seem a far cry from the furniture industry
As technology improves, we can see it as a boost or hindrance. Technology can free us to put our energies into other things. The computer has given us the ability to sell furniture online, as with one of our sister companies, we can sell exclusively online or have a warehouse and sell in person and online as we do at CK Office Furniture. People need gainful employment it is a part of who we are as humans. Change can seem weird and even frightening. Do you remember the idea that we would all be wearing silver space suits by the millennium? We can also exaggerate the unknown. Amazon ‘Go’ is still selling manufactured and packaged goods which all involve man and machine working together. Pack away your silver space suit and keep it for your first trip to Mars.
How is your office chair manufactured?
The frame is bent and soldered into shape using machinery. The the seat is cut, soldered and fitted with springs and extra supports. The back is built also using machinery and adhering to an ergonomic supporting design. Then the seat pads and upholstery are prepared and added. Finally the finishing touches ensuring the seat is stitched, polished and perfect for inspection. After inspection it can then go on sale.
A video of an office chair being made. It encompasses great ergonomic design, style and stability. They need to be durable and comfortable for sitting in sometimes hours at a time. The furniture industry employs a number of different processes in the manufacture of office furniture. Furniture may need to be cut and molded into shape, extruded, bent, laminated, and upholstered. A variety of materials may be involved in the manufacture of furniture. An office chair may be designed, tested and re-tested before it reaches manufacturing stage. It may then involve a number of process which could mean different people with their unique expertise are involved. The furniture industry is a prime example of man and machine working closely together to create useful, practical and beautiful items.
We at CK Office Furniture are online, but are also happy to talk with you about your Office furniture needs.
Technology can help us communicate about what your office needs for a fit out. We can help plan your office fit out and furnishing needs. Our company supplies new and used office furniture. A great way to keep costs and carbon footprints low is to fit out or upgrade your office with used furniture or a mix of old and new. We can also take your old office furniture away to be resold or recycled. Embracing the new whilst nurturing the known, a perfect balance for you and us for the future.
Call us for a conversation about your office fit out and how we can utilise new and used furniture for your future office furniture and fit out needs. Read about some of our successful installations here
We offer a space planning service!!
CK Leather Executive Chair
The CK Executive Leather Chair
This luxury ergonomically designed leather office chair has a high backrest and is shaped for comfort. The fine stitching and black leather are details that show the quality of workmanship and design. You can adjust the seat height and arm rests for maximum comfort and tilt the seat and back together with a lever action.

- Upholstered in Black Leather
- Ergonomic Design with a High Backrest
- Stitched Detailing
- 450mm-530mm Height Adjustment for the seat
- Adjustable Armrests
- 2 Year Manufacturer's Guarantee
Call us on 01892 832880 - Office Furniture Kent, London & South East. Free local delivery
CK Office Furniture Unit 10, Eldon Way Industrial Estate, Paddock Wood, Kent TN12 6BE