Pet Friendly Offices - Puppy Love & Kitten Cuddles
Pet friendly offices are helping improve wellbeing and productivity.
More and more modern businesses are becoming animal friendly - here's why.

- Wellbeing improves when pets can come to work; it is a win-win for reducing stress, increasing happiness and creating a generally more relaxed atmosphere.
- Pets reduce stress by lowering blood pressure and heart rate.
- Many people worry about leaving their pets at home, however, by incorporating pets into the workplace such as dogs, no one needs to look in on them.
- Time out to play and stretch your legs may improve fitness and circulation; it’s so easy to forget to walk around once you are stuck into work.
- Employers benefit too as increased wellbeing means we are less likely to take days off and being happy at work improves job retention.
- Collaboration is encouraged, as pets are a great ice breaker, they create opportunities for new conversations and cement friendships.
- Better communication makes for good working relationships, and may help prevent and resolve potential issues quicker.
- Productivity increases in an office with pets on board by creating a relaxed atmosphere which reduces stress and boosts mental and physical health all three are major factors in increasing output.

How do I design a pet friendly office?
With a little forethought, starting with a proper risk assessment for health, safety and insurance; setting clear no go areas; and seeking permission from employers and colleagues. Then down to the fun part!
Great design layout – pets need room to walk about, and so do we, so making the office easy to navigate is a good place to start.
Consider second hand office furniture so you won't worry about pet wear and tear, keep the budget down and increase your eco cred at the same time!
Choosing used radial desks, with ample leg room, for example, will enable your pet to sit with you. Installing wooden tambour cupboards to tuck things away from pets and minimise clutter has the added bonus of making the office feel more organised. Add in a second hand sofa- for stress relieving time out to cuddle your pet and you are good to go.
Choosing desks with ample leg room, will enable your pet to sit with you. Installing space saving cabinets to tuck things away from pets and minimise clutter has the added bonus of making one feel more organised and on top of the work load. Adding a second hand sofa - for stress relieving time out to cuddle your pet and you are good to go.
When planning your pet friendly office re-fit why not have a chat with our animal friendly office fit-out team and let them design the ideal space for you.
Watch Pet Talk – Pets in the workplace video