Working From Home During Covid 19 and Mental Health
Many of us can agree that 2020 has been a tough year to say the least. With Covid-19 leading to many being furloughed, or even losing their jobs entirely, we have all had to adjust to new routines, especially when working from home. Our working lives have been changing for a while now, but the emergence of the Coronavirus has caused a drastic change for many and has caused a new set of challenges. Nevertheless, it is possible to achieve a healthy work-life balance when working from home.
We wanted to get a greater understanding of how people have managed to adapt to working home as a result of the Coronavirus, and more importantly, how it has affected their mental health. We surveyed employees who have been working from home throughout the pandemic to get an insight into this topic, and discovered some interesting statistics.
Click on the image below to download our PDF and to find out how working from home during Covid-19 has impacted employee mental health.